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Entries in Decleor (1)


Spa Garden Party at Willows Lodge

Grab your girlfriends, don your favorite party hats and join Willows Lodge for a fun-filled evening at the Willows Lodge Spa Garden Party!

woodinville spa

S P A   G A R D E N   P A R T Y 
Thursday, July 30
The Spa at Willows Lodge
 $20.00 per person
72 hour cancellation policy  

It's an indoor-outdoor event where you will be treated to mini treatments throughout the event.  For every mini-treatment you experience, you'll receive a raffle ticket to win fabulous spa products and treatments with drawings held every 15 minutes.

Meet the representatives from Intraceuticals, Decleor, Glow and FarmHouse Fresh and see their latest products. Get a mini lip or eye oxygen facial by Intraceuticals.  Try a foot and hand scrub from FarmHouse Fresh.  How about a Decleor aromatherapy pressure point treatment?  And to tie into Carita's 70th anniversary celebration, experience their eye lifting treatment along with a brand new neck mask.

Columbia Winery will be on hand to pour their outstanding wines paired with food bites from the Barking Frog.

In keeping with the theme, there's a contest for the "Best Hat", so come looking simply fabulous!

Tickets can be purchased in advance via EventBrite. Call 425.424.2900 for more information.