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Eat. Drink. Be Married. during the 8th annual Weddings in Woodinville, Sunday, January 29, 2017

Save the Date for the 8th annual Weddings in Woodinville Tour

Weddings in Woodinville | Wedding Show

Eat. Drink. & Be Married. during the 8th annual Weddings in Woodinville chauffeured wedding wine tour show, Sunday, January 29, 2017. Woodinville's top 8 wedding venues, Columbia Winery, DeLille Cellars, Hollywood Schoolhouse, JM Cellars, Novelty Hill-Januik Winery, Redhook Brewery, Willows Lodge and Woodhouse Wine Estates open their doors in lavish style to future brides and grooms. Designed as a wine tour, Weddings in Woodinville will give couples, their family and friends a view of these fully decorated venues designed and coordinated by one of our talented wedding planners.  Our wedding planners have transformed each venue using their expertise and select vendors including florists, DJ's, caterers, invitations, linens, decor, lighting, makeup and hair, wedding apparel, officiants, musicians, jewelry, videographers and tenting, to create an example of wedding day perfection.  These industry professionals will also be on hand to answer questions at each location to help you plan & discuss such wedding day elements as table settings, floral designs, catering, music and more.  Top of the line transportation will chauffeur guests from venue to venue in safety and style completing the perfect wedding day image from guest's arrival to the get-away car.  

The tour sells out every year, and this year we are limiting our sales to maintain the intimate and personal engagement opportunities with our vendors our boutique tour experience was built on. Tickets are on sale now!

The full tour takes approximately 4 hours and begins at 12:00 p.m. Registration tent doors will open at 11:30 a.m. & continue until 1:00 p.m. at Woodhouse Wine Estates, where parking is available. Once registered, participants will board chauffeured transportation from Butler Transportation and be on their way for a very informative and enjoyable adventure. Tour concludes at 5:00pm.

Weddings in Woodinville tickets are available online. Currently we are offering Advance Ticket Sales through October 31, 2016 for tickets to be purchased at the 2016 price of $40 per ticket. After this date General Admission tickets will reflect the 2017 prices of $48 per person.

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